Monday, October 17, 2011

Lecture Analysis: Graffiti

10/04/11 (Late blog post)

During this particular week in class we watched a video on Graffiti and voted yay or nay on whether or not we find it acceptable.

I am torn between the two sides. For me, it depends on where, when, and what. For instance, if its just a name written with nothing particularly "artsy" about it, then I don't want to see it and it becomes a nuisance, such as profanity scrawled over a bathroom stall. This kind of Graffiti I find pointless because it has no real expression in it. It does not peak my interest and I end up more annoyed with whoever wrote it than appreciative. Yet when larger, complex word types and imagery begins to appear it grabs my attention and I want to see more of it. Instead of a nusiance it creates interest.

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