Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Lecture Analysis: Identity

Identity is one of those things that vary from person to person. No one has the same sense of identity nor does anyone have the same level of identity. Most importantly though, not all people are happy with the identity that they are seemingly stuck with.

Second Identities, are not necessarily a reflection of ourselves (although they could be) but a reflection of who an individual would like to be. This is taken to an extreme in Avatar where wheel-chair bound Jake Sully is given an Avatar body to pilot and control where he can walk, run, jump. Not all second identities are as immersive as Jake’s though. Some can exist as a mere virtual character online, as we also learned. This character can be anyone, thick, thin, redhead blond, It does not even have to be human. The physical attributes can be the exact same as the person playing the character yet the personality can be different.

After all, compared to physical appearance it can sometimes be more difficult to change one’s personality as we often times act differently around different people thus distinguishing, in a sense, multiple identities. With friends, a person could be fun-loving, lazy, and loud, however when dealing with their boss that same person can become a quiet, dutiful hard worker, and then transform into the golden child or better yet, the rule breaker, when surrounded by family.

Overall I enjoyed the lecture. Not only did I get to watch Avatar in class (Huzzah!), but it left me with more thoughts in my head then when I entered a classroom which, to me, is very important.

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