Monday, October 17, 2011

Escape from Electricity

10/04/11 Art Project 1

I told my family about the assignment given to us in Art 100 C. My mother felt inclined to laugh. "No Electricity? No thank you." Unfortunately I was limited to my only my bedroom in this escape from the frustrating energy source. I occupied my time with drawing by candle light which offered a completely different sort of drawing experience. I had originally planned to read until I remembered that the book I wanted to read was a digital copy on my Kindle which (surprise!) you have to charge and use electricity for.
The drawing was interrupted by frequent visits from my little sister whom the room also belongs to. She found great enjoyment in flipping on the light, blinding me, before grabbing what she needed, turning the lights off, and plunging me into darkness once again.
In one of these excursions she let my cat in. He and candles do not mix. Twice he had nearly knocked the candle down and after deciding the candle was becoming more of a fire hazard than anything else, I blew it out and went to bed.

Overall I think it is ridiculously difficult to escape from electricity. It is everywhere nowadays. Just stepping outside will make the hum of a street light noticeable or the headlights of a car.

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