Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Week 3 Lecture Analysis

In tonights lecture we were given a more specific look at cave art while comparing the two movies The Matrix as well as Inception.

Firstly, let me say that I thoroughly enjoyed the lecture. It was engaging and posed many good questions as well as made connections that I would never had made on my own.

The pictures we were shown of the cave paintings were beautiful. I still find it remarkable that even all that time ago humans still had that inclination to create art. Not just that though, but to create it as a community, regardless of the reason, instead of just a single individual.

I never would have though to relate the "broken man" to Neo's death and enlightening in The Matrix even despite the fact that I am familiar with both films.

As for the question "What is Reality?" I believe that reality is merely the world as an individual perceives it and that no two "realities" are the same. This related to art because I think that when an artists creates something, whether it be a painting, sculpture, or drawing, that they are allowing people a brief glimpse into their own unique reality.

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