Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Lecture Analysis: Video Blogs

Last week we explored video blogging in class while enjoying some very tasty food while clacking away at our laptop keys or debating art in front of our web cams.

The only problem is I am shy and I really really Do not want to do a video blog and know for a fact that I am very comfortable just writing or typing my blog posts out. I am much more comfortable in my ability to communicate through writing than my ability to communicate through speech which I already know is some-what lacking.

As for the questions, who am I? What is Art?
Well my name is Rachel and it is my second year (or third semester) At Cypress College however it is my first time being a full time student. I am a fine-arts major although I have no idea what I am going to do after school.
I work at McDonald's which is not fun, however I have awesome co-workers that make the time go by faster. Oh yeah, and I'm quiet, both because I am shy and because I generally do not have much to say.

As for the second question: What is art?
Its a difficult question to answer. Personally I think that almost anything can be interpreted as art. The design of a book cover, a written novel, the graffiti on a billboard, or even the design of dishes, pens. It merely depends on the individual seeing it or rather how they choose to see it. But in my book, as long as something was "designed" for more than just functionality it can, to some extent, be art.

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